Using MacBook Pro as attached Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad.
I use my MacBook Pro 13" together with iPad a lot of the time. For example I may have Safari running on iPad with information on how to perform some task, say adding vignetting to PhotoShop Elements, and on the Mac have PSE open so that I can perform instructions.
I have a Bluetooth Keyboard which I use on iPad when I go away for a few days and do not take my MacBook. This got me to thinking that it would be great if I could use MacBook Keyboard in similar way. Sure enough,
"There's an App for that!. Only this time it is a MAC APP, available in the Mac Store for £2.99 (
Oct. 2012).
Although the name refers to phone, it supports many IOS devices and so far I have used it with my 3rd. Gen. iPad. Look it up in the App Store here
Type2Phone App Store.
Setting Up
I found it a bit tricky to make the bluetooth connect for the first time, but here is how I did it in the end.
- Quit Type2Phone on Mac.
- Connecting Mac to iPad via Bluetooth using iPad settings.
- The forgetting connection.
- Start Type2Phone on Mac
and this time connection procedures worked.
I opened Notes on my iPad and typed away on MacBook and it appeared perfectly on my iPad. There is a small window on the Mac which shows you the last few keystrokes but I found it easier just glance now and again at the iPad.