Saturday, 6 October 2012

Use Note App to copy from Mac to iPad or iPhone

Typical scenario for me. I m using iPad to build a blog with Blogger+ App and I wanted to reset all my HTML to left border.

Now I use the iPad Keyboard Shortcuts to expand HTML but I had not built the one for this on iPad. Not worry as on my MacBook I use a Mac App called Dash to do the same role. So

  1. Pop over to Mac

  2. Start Note on Mac

  3. Type in short name which automatically expands HTML on Note

  4. Pop back to iPad

  5. Open Note in iPad and sure enough there is the new note via iCloud

  6. Copy expanded HTML

  7. Open Settings and build new Keyboard Shortcut

Note I am running MacBook 2011 with Mountain Lion and iPad(3) with IOS 6.

Friday, 5 October 2012

*ION KEY49 Midi Keyboard USB Connection

*ION KEY49 Keyboard with iPad

On recent shopping trip I popped into local Maplin Store and purchased a Midi *ION KEY49 Midi Keyboard for £70. When I got home I connected to it into my MacBook via supplied USB cable, started up Garage Band, and hey presto, now have music. Well noise really as I have yet to learn how to play.

Since then I added a Sustain Pedal, purchased from Amazon for just under £10 including delivery. I opted for one with polarity switch, and this also works fine.

Then I connected it to my iPad(3) via Camera Connection Kit, and hey presto again, works fine. Amazing amount of instruments to play with, but I want to concentrate on learning basic piano first.

I was particularly pleased to discover the keys were touch sensitive as this was not mentioned on the box. Also there is an Up and Down button to shift the 49 keys up one octave, or two if you push it a second time, and down one or two octaves.

All the keys can be used to control mdi input, with a couple of other features but as yet I have no experience of midi.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Using MacBook Pro as attached Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad.

Using MacBook Pro as attached Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad.


I use my MacBook Pro 13" together with iPad a lot of the time. For example I may have Safari running on iPad with information on how to perform some task, say adding vignetting to PhotoShop Elements, and on the Mac have PSE open so that I can perform instructions.

I have a Bluetooth Keyboard which I use on iPad when I go away for a few days and do not take my MacBook. This got me to thinking that it would be great if I could use MacBook Keyboard in similar way. Sure enough, "There's an App for that!. Only this time it is a MAC APP, available in the Mac Store for £2.99 (Oct. 2012).


Although the name refers to phone, it supports many IOS devices and so far I have used it with my 3rd. Gen. iPad. Look it up in the App Store here Type2Phone App Store.

Setting Up

I found it a bit tricky to make the bluetooth connect for the first time, but here is how I did it in the end.

  1. Quit Type2Phone on Mac.
  2. Connecting Mac to iPad via Bluetooth using iPad settings.
  3. The forgetting connection.
  4. Start Type2Phone on Mac

and this time connection procedures worked.


I opened Notes on my iPad and typed away on MacBook and it appeared perfectly on my iPad. There is a small window on the Mac which shows you the last few keystrokes but I found it easier just glance now and again at the iPad.